Langhope Rig Wind Farm - Turbine Deliveries

The first turbine delivery for the Langhope Rig wind farm took place on Saturday and was delivered to site successfully. 

Only one tower section was delivered on Saturday out of the two that were planned. The second tower base which we expected to be delivered on Saturday, will now be delivered on Tuesday this week; therefore two components will be delivered [on Tuesday] rather than just the one. Deliveries are expected to arrive in Denholm around 12:45pm, Hawick around 1:15pm and the site at around 2:15pm - however there could be slight delays to this timing depending on traffic on the day. 

Being in Community, a talk by Mhairi Macmillan

Might the work of psychologist Carl Rogers help us find ways of being together in local and global community?

The Vietmanese Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh says 'the next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practising underatanding and loving kindness... this may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth.'

Where: Chisholme House

When: Sunday 17  August at 10.45am. ( coffee served from 10.15am)

Cost: Talk is free, coffee by donation. Lunch is at 1pm - by donation,  please book.

Contact: Tel 01450 880215 or

Scottish Independence - TV Debate - Tonight (5th August)

First Minister Mr Salmond will put the case for Scottish independence and Mr Darling, chairman of Better Together, will argue for the UK to stay together.

The two-hour live debate on STV will be broadcast in front of a 350-strong audience from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow.

Click Here for more information

It is a "televised" debate, but can only be viewed by Freeview viewers (I expect not many valley residents can get freeview (terrestrial digital)) ?!  Or it can be viewed online as a live web stream, again, tricky, if not impossible with the average speed of the internet across the valley. But, a heads up to valley residents all the same !



Composting event at the Forman Memorial Hall

The Forman Memorial Hall has agreed to host a variety of energy saving events thrpoughout this year.  The next event is a composting event planned for 16th August beween 11:00 and 3:00.  This is to be hosted by Dave and Jane Allan from ASK organics who are based near Bonchester Bridge,  They have in mind two themes.  The first is - why make compost and the best ways of making good compost.  Secondly, they will deal with autumn clearings, incluiding the use of a shredder.  They can also demonstrate using a ordinary rotary mower for shredding green herbaceous material.  So why not drop in during the day or join a planned workshop.  There will be refreshments on sale during the day.

The Future Belongs to the Gourmet

Colin Tudge, author, biologist and founder of the Campaign for Real Farming will give a fascinating talk on the relationship of good quality food to environmental well-being and sustainable agriculture The talk will be followed by a buffet of locally sourced produce, including beef from the acclaimed Peelham Farm in Berwickshire and vegetables from Chisholme's own organic kitchen garden. Date: Saturday August 16th Time: Talk 11am (coffee from 10.15, Lunch 1pm) Cost: Talk free, lunch by donation Location: Beshara School, Chisholme House,Roberton Tel 01450 880291 or contact the

The Roberton Show - Full Details Released

Summer seems to be in full swing in the Borthwick Water Valley, which can mean only one thing : the first Saturday in September isn't that far away and that heralds "The Roberton Show", at Scaurend Haugh. Roberton.

It's looking like it's going to be a great show, with entertainment ranging from the "Young Handler Compeition" to music from the Hawick Scout Band. There's no better time to start preparing your "flower arrangement in a high heel shoe" or to start knitting that "Baby Matinee Coat". For full details of the many competitions that can be entered, please CLICK HERE to download the Roberton Show Guide for 2014.

Mobile Library visit

The next visit from the Mobile Library is planned for Tuesday 12 August between 10.00 and 11.00.  The librarian, Ian Cockburn, is very welcoming and helpful.  Applications for a library pass can be made on the day and he will try to access any book that you request.  There is the chance to have a natter with tea or coffee and home baking beforehand.  The book exchange is also back and 'new' books are always in demand.

Wanted - Your Views

With our AGM fast approaching (June 9th, 7pm, Forman Hall), we are keen to canvas fellow valley residents and find out what YOU would like us to do for you ?

What would you like the Borthwick Water Community Development Trust's goals to be for 2014/2015 ?

What can we do to help ?

Please let us know. There are a number of ways you can get in touch :-

  • Ring Ashley Butlin (Chairman) on 01450-880211 and discuss your views
  • Email him at
  • Or create an account on the website and feel free to add a comment to this post.

Thank you

David Pollard
