11 valleys are getting together to sort out the poor internet for themselves. The Borthwick Water Valley is one of them !
We need your help. It takes less than 5 minutes of your time (the irony being "internet permitting").
Here's the long story, shortened.
The Scottish Government have a pool of £40 million to sort out rural broadband issues. It's up to organisations to apply for funding to provide better internet for their communities. We have joined forces with Ettrick and Yarrow, Upper Teviotdale, Tweedsmuir, Moffat Water, Lilliesleaf, Ashkirk & Midlem, Glen, Orchard Mains & Traquair and Eskdalemuir to apply funding to improve our broadband. More Valleys EQUALS bigger (and therefore more attractive) projects for companies to tender for.
We are at the first stage of a long process and that is the SCOPING stage. We need to find out WHO suffers from bad broadband, and WHO wants better broadband and that is where we need you to get involved.
All you have to do is visit :- https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ettrickandbeyond and complete the online questionnaire.
Please take 5 minutes to do this.
This will allow the Southern Uplands Partnership (who are coordinating the project) to get all the affected postcodes and work out the scope of the project.
There is a real feeling of "This is the time to get this sorted once and for all" about this initiative, so please do the questionnaire and tell others in the Valley about it too. The Directors of the CDT have split the Valley up between themselves and are we are hoping to get around everyone's homes to get this message across.
The deadline for completing the questionnaire is Wednesday 2nd September 2015, so act now ! Thank you !