Work at Martin's Bridge (Latest)

Latest from Donald Scott (Team Leader, Roads & Bridges)

Work to strengthen and refurbish Martin’s Bridge in the Borthwick Valley is now substantially complete. This is being carried out as part of Scottish Borders Council’s (SBC) bridge maintenance programme to maintain the bridge’s structural integrity for future years and it will also allow the bridge to accommodate the vehicles carrying heavy loads to the new Langhope Rig wind farm.

The main road closure required to allow the bridge works to be carried out, ended on 22nd July with further works continuing using temporary traffic lights to control the passage of vehicles over the bridge.

However, it will be necessary to close the bridge to all traffic on 21st, 22nd and 23rd August between the hours of 8.45 and 3.45pm each day, to allow the masonry parapet coping stones to be fitted and also for the resurfacing of the carriageway across the bridge. The diversion signage previously erected for the main bridge closure will be re-erected during this period and the one way system in Wilton Park will also remain in operation.

Once the closure is removed, the remainder of the works to install the road markings and signs, plus the removal of the access scaffold and compound, will be carried out. It is anticipated that these works will take 4weeks to complete, with the site being cleared by Monday 23rd September 2013. At certain periods during this time it will be necessary to control the passage of vehicles past the works, and Stop/Go signs will be used.

To assist the local community we have set up an information page on our website to allow Scottish Borders Council to provide the most up to date information with regards to the main works at Martin’s Bridge and the local maintenance and improvement works.

To view the information page visit 

For more information, contact the Corporate Communications Unit on 01835 826632 or