Where appropriate all materials, tools, easels, boards and paper are available. Tea and coffee provided,
bring your own lunch. All levels of experience welcome.
Garden Willow
Paula Constantine
Saturday 24th May - 10am to 4pm
Paula is back but this time we’re looking at the outdoors. We’ll be making supports for your favourite climbing garden plants. Suitable for complete beginners and also for those with basketry experience. Tools and materials provided.
Lindsay Roberts
Saturday 14th June - 10am to 4pm
With simple folds, and a little sewing and gluing, we’ll make a variety of small books in this busy workshop. Take home a fold-out design for displaying photographs, a bound book for notes or journals, or one with added pockets and tabs. There’s no limit to what you can make! Materials and equipment provided.
Adults £18 - Concession £15
Anna Turnbull
Saturday 12th July - 10am to 4pm
Learn how to use wool fibre to create a felt picture, or form a felted vessel. All materials and equipment provided, but please bring an old towel for working on.
Adults £20 - Concession £17
Lino Printing
Niall Campbell
Saturday 9th August 2014 - 10am to 4pm
Learn how to make a 2 or 3 colour limited edition lino print, and turn it into cards or a picture. Once you’ve mastered this technique, you’ll be able to use it again at home as no specialist equipment or preparation is needed. Tools and materials provided.
Adults £20 - Concession £17
Joy Parker
Saturday 23rd August 2014 - 10am to 4pm
Make a small colourful mosaic, using vitreous glass tiles. Templates of birds will be provided if you wish to use them. You’ll be taught how to cut the tiles and how to arrange them creatively on board, fixing them with pva glue. Joy will demonstrate grouting and supply the grout so that you can complete your mosaic at home. Tools and materials provided.
Adults £20 - Concession £17
Creative Ceramics
Jane Gaze
Saturday 13th September 2014 - 10am to 4pm
Use your imagination to make a sculptural form or pot, large or small, your choice. We’ll be using porcelain paper clay, an innovative material which looks and fires like traditional clay but is easier to work and has better modelling and drying properties for producing a pot in a day. Jane will take your work away to fire in her kiln, and then it will be returned. Materials and tools provided.
Adults £20 - Concession £17
Basket in a Day
Paula Constantine
Saturday 27th September 2014 - 9am to 5pm
Make a basket from start to finish in a day. This longer than usual workshop is aimed at those who have been to our basketry courses before or have some basketry experience rather than complete beginners and the class is smaller than usual. If in doubt about booking this course please contact us. Tools and materials provided.
Adults £24 - Concession £20
Make a Cushion
Julia Cunningham
Saturday 11th October 2014 - 10am to 4pm
Explore your creativity and make a textured cushion with upcycled fabrics and yarns. All materials including cushion pad and equipment provided.
Adults £20 - Concession £17
Festive Fabrics
Janet Irons
Saturday 25th October - 10am to 4pm
Janet returns for another festive workshop. This time she’ll be showing us creative ways to hand sew fabrics and textiles for gifts and decorations to customise your Christmas. All materials provided but bring along any fabrics or trimmings you want to use.
Adults £18 - Concession £15

To make a booking, please print off the PDF file (that can be downloaded by clicking HERE). Cheques should be made payable to "Borthwick Water Community Development Trust".
Cancellation Policy - Refunds can only be made if you cancel your booking at least 2 weeks before the workshop starts.
Book all 9 workshops for a 10% discount