The CDT is able to represent the general views of the community, through consultation with it’s members, when making approaches to external bodies such as The Community Council, Scottish Borders Council etc.
The CDT can represent the general interest of members in securing potential funding for the benefit of community priorities.
Membership gives access to opportunities to volunteer for fund raising events, sharing skills/expertise, amenity development such as work in Craik Forest and participating in community support work. All of which helps improve and promote the community and increases personal satisfaction associated with social responsibility.
Being a CDT member generates opportunities to become more directly involved in improving and promoting the community by becoming directors or officers of the CDT.
Being a member of the CDT gives access to a forum where a wide range of ideas and experiences can be discussed and shared, an opportunity which is extremely beneficial in a widely dispersed community such as the Borthwick Water.
There are also some financial benefits of being a member of the CDT, members can enjoy 10% discount on certain CDT activities such as ART Group Workshops and sub-group activities.
Participation within the ART Group gives the opportunity to advance personal development, education and to promote opportunities for learning for the benefit of the community and the general public. In particular the ART Group raises awareness and interest in the local environment, traditional and contemporary crafts and local heritage.
Being a CDT member gives access to membership of the Gardeners Forum, a socially active group which shares ideas about gardening, organises trips, discussions and plant swaps.
Affiliated to the CDT is The Pudding Club which meets 3 to 4 times a year and offers a 10% discount to CDT members. Obviously puddings are the main theme of the evening, preceded by a light starter and followed by some sparkling conversation.
The ‘Trail Fairies’ a generic name for mountain bike groups associated with the Forestry Commission for Scotland, is affiliated to the CDT and not only organises routine trail rides but also helps maintain the tracks within Craik Forest.
The CDT produces a calendar each year and strongly encourages members to submit photographs for consideration and possible inclusion.
The CDT updates and maintains the Borthwick Water website there is a members section where information exchange and other pertinent updates are available for each of the clubs, societies and organisations within the valley.
An opportunity to join the campaign for better broadband
Membership of the CDT gives a greater sense of belonging with both people and place and we would strongly recommend joining, just £1 for a share, for life.